Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 9 - Healthy Ramen

Healthy Ramen, no MSG
Today I brought a healthy Ramen that I found at my local grocery store. I've read a couple of the Mc. Dougall's books on healthy living and diet and tried my best to eat the food from the cookbooks, but it was just too weird and bland. I have been a vegetarian for over 19 years and when something is weird that is saying something because I'll eat almost anything vegetarian.

Nutritional Facts
I don't know how this little container considers itself a 2 serving portion. When I popped out the noodles to cook in my container I was bummed that it was so small. After I added all my veggies and cooked it up they expanded enough and I was plenty full after lunch (maybe because I ate two portions).

More chop suey from the day before and vegan chicken.
For dinner I had to cook fast because I had band practice so I just grabbed another healthy Ramen and added some veggies to it.

These Ramen are good, but not much noodles
I had a chance to use my new Ramen bowls that I bought this weekend at the 99 Ranch Market as well. They are just the right size to pour the prepared soup into and they look good too.

One of my new Ramen bowls
I took out the noodles and noticed that the dehydrated veggies and tofu were a little silly. I don't see that compares to real vegetables so I just threw them away.

Where's the Veg?
I added a bunch of veggies to my pot and also cooked some fake beef patties and cut them up to add to the Ramen. I have been using the vegan beef from the store that I got last week but it's very bland. These patties were 100% better.

Fake beef patties

Cooked fake beef patties
I scarfed down the food too fast and had water log durring band practice. It was very good with those fake patties. The brand is LightLife and you can see what I used here. My bandmates said my Ramen looked and smelled good and they are meat eaters so I must be doing something right.

Would you eat this Ramen?
Thanks again for reading. Do you like eating Ramen for dinner with beef?

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