Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 6 - Cheat Day

Pizza for my cheat meal, oh yeah
As with a lot of diets I plan on having a cheat meal once a week so that I can remain sane. Some may be upset and feel that I am ruining the diet to have a cheat meal but I find it helps extremely well to allow one day to eat a little shitty. If you look online a lot of opinions vary on the subject of cheat meals. Trainers will say it allows the person the out to eat like shit and possibly counteract the work they've been doing all week. Where other people will say they need a break once a week to free up the restrictions.

I've been on lots of diets and all them had cheat days and it never did anything negatively to me. In the book The 4 Hour Body Timothy Ferriss has done research to find out why these cheat days work and how the body deals with this shitty food after eating good all week. To put it plain, a single day of crap food will be flushed away and will not affect the metabolism but instead enhance it. It's too much to go into here so you'd have to read the section of the book on this to really get all the details but cheating on one day is actually helpful to losing weight (when followed by exercise and good diet the rest of the week).

Breakfast on cheat day
For breakfast I had some Nissin plain Ramen. It's broth is one of the better that I have had and is a good cheap Ramen. I added a bunch of veggies and the oil packet that came with it. I knew I was going to be eating pizza later and wanted to get a bunch of veggies in the stomach first so I didn't go crazy eating everything in site in a few hours at my get together.

Breakfast of champions
For lunch I had a bunch of people over to the house for a pot luck. I was holding a small beginner's class on how to edit video. I bought two pizzas and other people brought cupcakes, candy, soda, and pasta salad. I ate two pieces of pizza and had a Reeses Egg. It was a great little lunch. I didn't get enough chips but I guess next week I can have that on cheat day.

In-N-Out with Animal Fries and a Boca Burger
For dinner the family wanted In-N-Out and I so wanted to extend my cheat meal and get some as well. I held strong and made a Ramen while everyone else ate tasty burgers. I got my wife a grilled cheese and when we got home I cooked her a Boca Burger and put it in her grilled cheese. This is one of my favorite meals.

I thought about putting Ramen in a grilled cheese but did not

Colorful seasoning packet
I made another Nissin Ramen and added Boc Choy, carrots, asparagus, and some vegan beef I bought the day before. The vegan beef doesn't have much flavor on it's own so I cooked it in the broth for a few minutes hoping it would infuse into the beef.

Vegan beef hydrated to life

Boc Choy
It was fun to see everyone today and hang out at the house eating and talking film. We played Cards Against Humanity to round out the day after dinner. We laughed and were a little disturbed which comes with the territory with that game. The cheat day was only a cheat meal and I hope that it doesn't affect me negatively.

WARNING: TMI Below. If you don't want to know then don't scroll down.

One thing I have noticed  eating all this Ramen is that I am not pooping as much. The production is not as bountiful and I feel a little backed up. I don't know if it's the salt, or that I am not drinking enough water, or possibly that all the pasta is doing it, but it's not been very comfortable. I had my worry's eating pizza and all the cheese but it was ok at the end of the day, everything came out ok that is. I had figured eating all these veggies that this wouldn't be an issue but it has been. I need to look into salt and how it negatively affects the digestion to see if this could be the cause, or possibly the pasta. It may be that I just need to eat even more veggies than I have been or cut the pasta from the Ramen packs in half. If I figure it out I will of course put it up here.

How do you feel about cheat days? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading.

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