Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 5 - Curry Up on Valntine's

Salad with my Ramen at Curry Up
Today was another driving day for me. This whole week has had me all over southern California. In the morning I left the house with a juice and some coffee in my belly and headed out to the valley. That drive takes me about two and half hours on average. I had to go out and do some consulting with a company out there for a couple hours then turn around and come right back. I searched Yelp for Ramen hoping to find a vegetarian option and found Curry Up in Woodland Hills.

When I walked in I had expected to find a busy lunch crowd but I was the only one there. I ordered a tea and some Ramen. I was bummed to find that their curry Ramen was made with fish paste but they did have a vegan mushroom broth. I added tofu to it so that I could have some protein. They brought me a salad which I guess comes with it. It was very tasty with a good ginger dressing on top. The bowl of Ramen was very large and the service was ok, but the owner and her son were arguing which kind of bummed me out especially since I was the only one there.

I started eating and forgot to take a picture. It looked better before I started eating.
I made my way home for the next two and half hours. Once home I started getting the dinner items I needed for my Valentine's Day meal I was going to make my wife. One of her favorite dishes is a salad they make at the Veggie Grill called B-Wing Salad. It's basically a romaine salad with buffalo chicken wings (all vegan). We don't have a Veggie Grill out here in BFE so I went to the local vegan store and got all the ingredients.

Directions say bake, but pan fried is faster and tasty
Frank's is the best
Since it was Valentine's Day I couldn't get by serving Ramen for my wife, and I felt that if I didn't eat the B-Wing salad with her that she would be upset so I made a salad for the both of us and had some Ramen on the side with it.

Vegan Wings

Finished B-Wing salad with all the sauces
The salad was very good as always. I decided to make my Ramen a little spicy as well by adding some Rooster sauce (Siracha). It was ok but didn't add any flavor to it. I don't know if the Ramen broth over powered the Siracha or if the water did but it wasn't great and I didn't end up finishing it.

Ramen with some vegan chicken and Siracha

Rooster Sauce
Today was a hectic day of driving around for work then driving around for dinner items. It was nice to relax at home after with my sweet wife. She made the me the most awesome little folding book that put into art one of my poems. I loved it so much it made my cry and felt like a big baby. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderfully talented wife. She inspires me all the time to keep creating.

What did you eat on Valentine's Day? I hope it was tasty as well. Leave your comments below and let me know if you have any questions or comments on the Ramen Diet.

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