Thursday, February 13, 2014

Day 3 - I Ate Some Cookies Dang It!

I really didn't mean to I swear. I am a creature of habit. On Tuesday nights I hang out with my friends and there is always cookies. I always have a small handful and some coffee. Last night I was hanging with friends and without even thinking about it I sampled 4 rice crispy treat Oreos and a small handful of Circus Animals. I didn't even realize until the last cookie that OH SHIT,I'm  trying to only eat Ramen! I have to be more aware of my old ways or they will screw this whole thing up. I had to just except it and move on. No need fretting over it now, I couldn't barf them up and call it even. (FYI, Rice Crispy Oreos taste like double stuffed, no need to try them.)
This morning I woke up again not hungry and still feeling a little full from the night before. I had an early dinner too. The only thing I had from dinner until morning was some tea and those damn cookies. I again had some juice and coffee for breakfast and moved on.

For lunch I had some more "Healthy" Ramen. This time it was green noodles made with vegetable. Reading the front of the pack you would think you were eating some mega health fortified goodness, but reading the label shows otherwise.

This Moroheiya vegetable is supposed to be great but as a powder with all that other stuff I have serious doubts. Also on the front of the package it says no MSG but the second line says Sodium Bicarbonate which I thought was bad for me but my wife told me it was just baking soda. Let's move past the packaging and what they claim to the food.

It came with two packets. A small hot chili packet and a powder packet. I had to use most of the powder packet to get just a little taste so the MSG is not strong on this and doesn't at all feel salty which is great. It has a slight lemon flavor or my mouth tastes it as that. The chili adds just enough spice and I like spice so this was good but would have been much for my daughter who doesn't like spice much.

I put lots of veggies, tofu, and mushroom in again. The noodles were green and odd looking and took longer than normal Ramen to cook. Once it was all done everything tasted pretty good. The people at work don't know what to make out of this and want me to have a reason for why I am doing this. I told them it was something fun to do and why not. Rational normal folk don't like "why not" as a reason for anything. I have done lots of things for the "why not" reason and this is just another in a long line.

For dinner my wife and I went out to Los Angeles for Lucha VaVoom and decided to eat in Little Tokyo. We hit a vegan Japanese restaurant that is very good called Shojin. They have a few types of vegan Ramen but ordered the standard called Shojin Ramen. It was really good. I loved the vegan beef substitute. The my big complaint is that the bowl of Ramen was very small and over priced for what it was. I know this is a boutique restaurant for vegans in a mall so the rent is high and the food is specialized, but the portion for a soup was too small. I wanted to ask for a refill once I was done.

Shojin in Little Tokyo mall
Yummy Ramen with vegan beef

My wife is not cool with the Ramen only diet but she is a vegetarian and loved this restaurant. She got the crouching tiger hidden dragon role and the spicy tuna crispy rice (all vegan). Shojin was dimly lit and packed with people. On a Wednesday night I was surprised to see so many people. Our waiter was very nice and the food was good, although small samples, it was worth the extra money to have the vegan beef in my opinion. The water at the table was an appreciated touch as well.

Water at the table
Spicy "Tuna" and Crispy Rice
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Role
It was a good day even though I messed up and ate  cookies the night before. I think with any diet there are challenges and the cookies is just one more place I need to be watchful. We also had a ton of fun out at Luch VaVoom. You can see the video we posted below.

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