Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 12 - Lemon Flavored Yuck

Lemon is strong with this one
For breakfast I had my usual coffee and juice. My work had an office meeting and bought tiny burritos which I loved but the girl who buys them knew I was doing Ramen and didn't buy any vegetarian ones. I dodged a bullet because I love these mini burritos and would have definitely ate some with the fresh guacamole.

The aroma was worse than the bite
I was surprised at lunch by the strength of the lemon smell from this Ramen. I should have expected it since it has lemon in the title but I was taken aback. I was able to get past it and finish the bowl since the smell was stronger than the taste. If it had tasted as lemony as it smelled there's no way I could have finished it. I am ok with lemon in sweet things but not my hot Ramen lunch.

OMG The sodium!
So after yesterday and the realization that I am eating probably too much salt, I started looking today. For dinner I found this packet of Nissin regular flavor has over my daily allowance of Sodium. I only put a small amount of the flavor packet so I can hopefully save myself the heart attack.

Broccoli, tofu, green onion, cabbage, and asparagus
Even with only a small amount of the flavoring this Ramen was very tasty tonight. I am really loving the fresh tofu. Make sure you use only the extra firm tofu or it will fall apart in the Ramen.

Ramen at the computer while I am blogging
The one thing about eating Ramen, it is always very filling. Thanks for checking in. Let me know if you want me to mention anything specific about this process.

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