Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 13 - Cheat Day #2 Chipotle Quesarito

Breakfast of champions, coffee and heavy metal
Today I not going to eat a ton. I have a festival my band is playing and it's in the middle of nowhere so facilities will be only porta potties. I don't want to end the night taking a dump in a port john so I gotta eat as light as possible for a cheat day. That means liquid breakfast to start. Two cups will do me fine until lunch time.

Chipotle, you failed me today
Chipotle was on the menu for lunch today. I had heard about their new Quesrito which is on a secret menu. It was supposed to be a full size tortilla quesadilla then they make a burrito out of that. Instead the girl made a single tortilla folded in half quesadilla then peeled it open to add my burrito stuff. Basically making it a normal burrito with already melted cheese. At least they didn't charge any extra but I felt jipped. On the plus side they had some new tofu meat which was very good.

The massive tofu Quesarito wanna be
That burrito kept me full all day and night. I had a show and my band played until around 11pm. I finally got hungry after I used a bunch of energy playing drums.

Back Yard show at Bob's Bang Shack
After I left the show and thanked all the people for showing up I was starving. In California the only place to go late at night when you're starving and it's cheat day is In-N-Out. I got a grilled cheese and it was awesome!

Grilled Cheese - another secret menu item
So both my cheat foods were secret, under cover, and delicious. The show went great and we had a blast. It was a good day. What did you eat on your cheat day this weekend?

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