Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 14 - Fresh Ramen

Ramen bowl, bunnies chasing each other
I was pretty wiped out from a long day yesterday and was in no mood to eat any breakfast. I had a small coffee but was still full from the night before. For lunch I had some reduced sodium Ramen that I had purchased at the local vegan grocery. It was as expected very bland. I had a lot to do today so I rushed through it and tried not to put any salt on my soup.

Reduced Taste

Ramen with beef chunks
I cooked the rest of my beef and added it to the bland Ramen. It helped some but it was underwhelming for sure.

Fresh Ramen
The noodles I got for dinner were fresh and needed to be refrigerated. I didn't like them much, but not due to the flavor. They were rice noodles which soaked up the broth very quickly and became way too slimy. I eventually abandoned the chopsticks for a fork to finish the soup.

Broth from Trader Joe's
Instead of some packaged MSG powder I used a new broth from Trader Joe's. The miso flavor combined with ginger was so good! I also chopped up some fresh ginger to add a little kick. (Remember if using fresh ginger only use a tiny amount, this stuff is strong and can easily ruin a good meal if used in excess.)

I plan on making more fresh Ramen with this broth over the next week. We'll see how that goes when I am at work. I am also planning on a freshly prepared broth from scratch for dinner this Thursday when it's going to be cold and possibly raining.

Thanks for checking in. What do you like to eat when it's cold out?

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