Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 19 - Pizza Ramen

And let the justification begin
If it has Ramen on/in it then it's Ramen. I had coffee for breakfast and that was it until lunch. The office brought in bagels and they were smelling so good but I held strong. At lunch my work also bought pizza and it came into the break room as I was cooking my Ramen. I used some organic noodles that I bought at 99 Ranch.

Tasty but a little thicker than I like
The Ramen noodles were very tasty but I found it difficult to cook these using only my little ceramic pot and a microwave. I made it work and then steamed my veggies with the broth I made from scratch yesterday. (For that recipe read my blog from Day 18.)

Broth, veggies, tofu, and mushrooms
After I cooked all my food I dumped half the Ramen on a single slice of Pizza and dug in. It was AMAZING! There was no weirdness or odd flavor. The greatness of pizza and the tangyness of Ramen blended like it's been that way since the dawn of time. My stomach and the bathroom about 30 min later were another story. A friend at work who had only the pizza had the same effect, which was unfortunate but I regret nothing!

It is finally raining here in Southern California so my wife wanted some warm food for dinner. I went to the local market to get a bunch of Indian Food. Then I got the idea, Curry Ramen with Samosas! I bought some various easy to make currys. All you do is boil water and throw the bag in for a few minutes and then you have a plate of food.

Various Indian Curries
I also made some samosas and papadum. Samosas are pastries filled with spices, potatoes. peas, and awesome. Papadum is like a crunchy tortilla. They're super light and flaky with just a little spice to them. On the side was some basmati rice which is traditional for Indian food. I didn't have any rice since I was going to have curry Ramen.

Traditional Ramen
I cooked up my noodles and rinsed them off like usual. I should have used super hot water so that they kept their warmth because I cooled them off and eventually they got cold while I was eating. This isn't an issue usually since they sit in boiling broth. I added some Palak Paneer and Choley curry to my Ramen and topped it all with a samosa.

Indian Curry Ramen
It would have been better had the noodles not gotten cold pretty quick. I didn't want to microwave them and make it worse so I just ate cold Indian curry Ramen. The samosas we usually get are fresh made and they were out today so I had to buy some microwave ones that were not as good but passable. I enjoyed my food even though my family was grossed out again by my avant garde creations.

Thanks for checking in. Would you try Indian curry Ramen?

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