Monday, March 3, 2014

Day 21 - Ramen Burrito

When making some weird Ramen creation, this works the best
I woke up this morning tore up from the night before. Whenever my band plays late I feel so worn out the day after. This morning I woke up in a jolt and felt burnt out all day. I got a coffee and tried to wake up but it didn't help much. For lunch I decided to make a Ramen Burrito.

Any good burrito starts with beans and cheese
I cooked up some Ramen and veggies and let them sit for a little while to soak up the moisture and flavor. Whenever you're adding Ramen to something I find letting it soak in a just a little bit and then draining it works the best. The Ramen has a good flavor and the noodles are a little bigger and juicier.

Ramen and veggies
I added my favorite sauce, Cholula chili and garlic. Then I dumped out the remaining broth and added the Ramen to the burrito.

Lunch of Champions
Tapatio aint got nothin' on me
Ramen Burrito

I had to go shopping for groceries after lunch. It took all my effort to wake up and move around multiple stores as tired as I was. I got it done and just cooked a normal Ramen dinner with nothing fancy. I made the family hot dog corn bread muffins with tater tots. I was too tired to be jealous of them.

Basic Ramen
Thanks for checking in. What do you do when you are too tired to function?

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