Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 30 - Finish Line

Anime themed Hotel Tomo in our room
The last day and it ended with a sputter and not a bang. Prepping for vacation next week but I had a last minute assignment from work to fly to San Francisco. The only problem is when I go away for vacation there is lots to do and I got so lost in all of the prepping for leaving and prepping for vacation that I forgot my Ramen at home. And as mentioned in previous blogs there is nothing close to work that has vegetarian Ramen. So I ate some salad and met with my coworkers for lunch at the mall.

San Francisco
My plane was leaving at 5:30 and I had to pack still so I left work early and raced home. I decided to take my wife with me to keep me company and so that she could visit our friends and family up in the bay area. The place I was working was in Japantown so we stayed at Hotel Tomo which is an Anime themed hotel in walking distance from where I was working.

View from Hotel Tomo 7th floor
The food in the area was amazing and it was a great way to start the vacation even though I had to work two days. I didn't get to eat Ramen that night either since it was so late when we got in but I did go to a nice Japanese restaurant that had good vegetarian sushi.

Hotel Tomo lobby
It was a nice trip to San Fran and the food was good as usual. I could see myself living up here and maybe someday it would be a possibility. It is very expensive though. When I got back from vacation I had some Ramen at work since I needed to make it up to myself. It was decent but the new microwave at my new office doesn't work as well as the old one so it took some doing to get it working right with Ramen.

I hope you have enjoyed the Ramen diet blog. Let me know if you start one of these and how it is going. Thanks for reading!

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