Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 27 - Off To The Races

Made my kid some steaks and potatoes
For my cheat day today I was hoping to sleep in. Instead my mind said wake up at 5am. I went out and purchased everything to make breakfast for the family and got my daughter some steak and potatoes and a doughnut. My wife got potatoes and some vegan sausage and I had the same. We then packed everything up and went out to the race track to watch the ponies and lose some money.

Beautiful sunny day at the races
We didn't win on any of our races but we had a good time with family. We went to the races for a memorial for my Aunt in law who passed last month. I met lots of people I had never seen before and we laughed and at junk food all afternoon. One of the highlights of the day was Cheez-Its. I hadn't had a Cheez-It in years and they are so good!

Nector of the Gods
After we got home we had some In-N-Out which is starting to become a Saturday thing around here. My band was supposed to play but it got canceled.

My daughter's view of the races
It was a good family day and at the end of it I was glad to not drive far away and play a show and sleep in. How was your weekend?

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