Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 29 - New Office Style

Ramen erasers
My company moved over the weekend to a new office. I decided to bring in my new Ramen erasers that I bought in little Tokyo to celebrate. For lunch I had to learn the new layout of the office kitchen and test out the Ramen skills of the new microwave. It did ok for the first try. I am glad to be close to finished on this adventure.

Pizza Ramen
There was some left over pizza from the office move this weekend and I couldn't resist having some Ramen pizza one more time. Since it was day old (or more like two day old) I had to eat it with a knife and fork.

Tastes like Oriental
For dinner I got home a little later than I had hoped. Sometimes the traffic sucks and it was unusually bad for a Monday coming home. Then I had planned to make some BBQ and that requires a lot of running in and out of the house. I didn't have any I was just making it for the family. So I couldn't make my Ramen until they were setup with the BBQ stuff. I just threw something together with some plain old Top Ramen.

Ramen quickly prepared
I made a few sausage patties and chopped those up for the Ramen as well. I wasn't sure how sausage would taste in the Ramen but it was pretty good.

Thanks for checking in. I'm almost done with this experiment. Do you celebrate or reward yourself after a long successful run at something?

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