Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 22 - Avocado Egg Rolls

Egg Rolls and Stuffed Mushrooms
I got a new employee that started working for me on Monday. It is customary to take them out to eat for their first day in the office so I had to find somewhere that worked for the team. We went to BJ's and I was hoping for an Asian salad I could eat but found none that would work. I ended up getting the avocado egg rolls and stuffed mushrooms.

For dinner and went to a sushi place for the family. I had hoped that they would have Ramen but they did not. They did have udon but I didn't want that. I just made some Ramen at home and there wasn't much special about it so I didn't take a picture.

It was a fairly busy day so I had no time to document much. Tomorrow will be about the same and I will most likely have to take another company business meeting lunch. Hopefully there is a Ramen place around that I can visit with everyone.

Thanks for checking in. What do you do when your lunch diet plans are interrupted?

1 comment:

  1. Egg Rolls are my favorite thing!! This will soon be an often repeated meal at my house. It works great with our Gluten Free eating as well!! Thanks so much for the great recipe!chowringhee
