Monday, March 10, 2014

Day 28 - Quesarito Done Right

Now that's a Quesarito!
So if you remember a few weeks ago I tried to get a Quesarito from Chipotle and they failed. So this week I decided to take my Ramen burrito fix to the next level with my own home made Quesarito. I got two full size tortillas and a shit load of cheddar cheese and made a massive quesadilla.

Quesadilla base
Then I cooked up some Ramen and laid that inside the quesadilla center.

Getting there, looking good
Then I went to Chipotle and got a burrito bowl with tofu meat and all the fixin's and dumped part of that on the Ramen.

Oh yeah! How are you going to wrap that?
Then I tried to wrap it all up. It was a little full at first and I was afraid it might burst at the seems. I removed some of the filling and tried again and got it done.

Ramen Quesarito
I cut this thing in half to make it more manageable. It was heavy and greasy and huge. This was so good! The grease from the cheese was a bit much but I didn't care. After I was done (and I did finish it) I felt so full it took all day to recover. I walked around in a stupor barely able to wake from the carb coma. I would do it again but possibly lower the cheese to something less crazy.

For dinner all I could do was make a normal Ramen so I didn't die. I am on the last few days of this thing and I'm just trying to get through it at this point. Looking forward to having more choices for food. What would you eat if you could have anything?

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